Eczema, which is a general medical term used to describe dry, red, itchy skin, can develop from an allergic reaction. At Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut, LLC in Manchester and Middletown, Connecticut, the experienced team can evaluate your eczema and test for allergies to identify the underlying cause of your skin condition. Call the nearest office or use online booking to schedule a consultation today.

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What is eczema?

Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by the development of red, itchy patches of skin that occur on various parts of your body. Eczema most often affects the face, hands, feet, inside of the elbows, and back of the knees.

While it’s not entirely clear why some people are more prone to eczema than others, your genetics and environmental exposures may play a role in its development. People with eczema are also more likely to suffer from asthma, hay fever, or food allergies.

What are the symptoms of eczema?

Eczema symptoms can vary in both type and severity, but the skin rash is almost always itchy. Other symptoms include:

  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Weeping or open sores
  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Scaly patches of skin
  • Swelling

You may notice that your eczema worsens when you eat certain foods or come in contact with certain substances, which may indicate that your eczema is an allergic response. The experienced team at Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut, LLC specializes in allergic eczema, referred to as atopic dermatitis, and can identify the underlying allergy responsible for your symptoms.

How do I know if allergies are responsible for my eczema?

The allergists at Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut, LLC offer contact allergy testing to identify the allergen that may be causing your eczema. During the test, your allergist applies various allergens to a patch that is then placed on the skin of your arm or back. Your allergist may place as many as 30 patches on your skin.

You wear the patches for up to 48 hours and then they’re removed and evaluated for any allergic reactions.

What are the treatments for eczema?

Your specialist at Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut, LLC develops a personalized treatment plan to help manage your eczema. Your treatment may include:

  • Avoidance of your allergen
  • Antihistamines
  • Topical creams to reduce inflammation and itching

Your specialist may also provide treatment for any other symptoms you may be experiencing, such as asthma or hay fever.

For an allergy evaluation for your eczema, call Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut, LLC or schedule an appointment online today.